Si@nS@tion X 4
Haiz... today very de sian....
first period is English... nothing to do..SIAN, i do a-math.. as our English n-level have finish and our teacher allow us to revise our own things.Then the next lesson is P.E. . i thought of playing football the the street soccer court as i have not play soccer for a very long time. they call me to be a keeper. zzz. i totally no mood to play le.. i cause my team-mates to lose. zzz.After that is D&T, we have a talking session as the teacher never prepare for the lesson.. NABEI.... where got this type of teacher de... after recess, we have our e-math period. zzz that lesson a bit of fun. Mr Tay, our form teacher put the effort to let us see the short movie clip which is regarding about the success. Then came to de SIAN part. he bring up the 16 schools de test paper for us to complete them when he is not around for the next two weeks when he is going for reservice...
after the lesson, it is time to go home.. i didn't went home and stay back in school to play chinese chess with my friends... then one pro came.. why do i call him pro? he is from triple science de class. then my friends and i wanted to challenge him on the chinese chess. 4 VS 1 also lose.....
lol no face liao.After which, he go off liao. Then we play 2vs2. we play darm long lor.. the first match, Eugene and tan yuan vs me and Tai Wang. i at first like very slack... then after a few minutes, i cannot wait to have the next match le, then i help Tai Wang to win.. ^^
Next match was me and Eugene VS Tan yuan and Tai Wang.... lol.. this second match, we play super de long lor... 30 minutes for a game.. our teamwork very de good hor.. then the opponent play cheat lor.. quite rewind.. zzz.. waste time. then in the end we win liao. lol
then we went home together. XD. once i reach home, i went to play maple.wah.. SIAN.. my friend went to change the setting... then i cannot heal myself.. in the end, i died.. omg. i retrain to that percentage. After which, i went to dl the game which my friend introduce to me. darm long lor.. i wait until sleep.. 1 hrs+ lei... when i wake up, the game i thought can play liao.. then i go try..then i found out that cannot play sia.. SIAN.
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